Welcome E20

ELECTROLIZER- Welcoming E20 EEE Cohorts to the DEEE Family


28 Nov, 2023

ELECTROLIZER is an annual event organized by the DEEE family to welcome the new cohort of undergraduates pursuing a specialization in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. On the 21st of November, 2023 from 5 pm onwards at the Faculty premises, DEEE welcomed such a group of students from the E20 batch. The theme of Thunder is a powerful concept, and it is commendable to witness the DEEE community come together to ensure that the newcomers feel embraced and valued. The dedication of the DEEE members to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is truly admirable.

The Department Head, Prof. Lilantha Samaranayake, and Dr. Janaka Wijayakulasooriya both welcomed the newcomers and emphasized the importance of extracurricular activities during the gathering. This is crucial since a well-rounded college experience is integral to the academic and personal development of students. 

The festivities were a delightful mix of musical events, games, and other activities, designed to help the new students feel at home and mingle with the staff and seniors. It is remarkable that the evening culminated in dinner and a DJ, providing a fun and secure way for everyone to unwind and celebrate.

The event was organized by the EEES (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society) and students specializing in EEE from E19 Batch.  Thanks to the organizers, and we are confident that the new students felt welcomed and excited to be a part of the DEEE family.

To see more, use the following links (photo credit goes to Gauge Newsletter, UOP):

Electrolizer Album1

Electrolizer Album2


Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20
Electrolizer E20


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